Sundays at 10AM
AT vICTORY tABERNACLE in the Student Ministry Center
Start the Party VBS
August 2 - 4, 2024
Free to Everyone!
We don't think it's just okay to have fun, we think it should be a priority. Why? Because People who follow Jesus have a lot to celebrate!
Join us for this year's VBS at Kindred! Our VBS is for Pre-K to 5th Grade kids in the community! Registration OPEN!
Men's Cook Out
Last Friday of Every Month
Location Varies
Guys - join us for a great night out as we grill and gather at someone's home, light a fire and maybe some cigars, and connect as men in God's Kingdom. Contact Pastor Matt Smith for more information.
Kindred Capital Campaign
Give, pray, and believe for God's provision as we move forward in faith looking for a new building for Kindred Church.
Up Out & Forward
Capital Campaign
Everyone has a place in the Kingdom. No matter where you are in life or your relationship status with God, there is a place for you here. Our heart is to help you see yourself the way God does, help you find the gold God has put inside of you, and help you discover your destiny and place in the Kingdom just as we are finding ours.